
a Christmas gift for my mom!

yay for Christmas I'm going to print this out in color (not this exact one because I also drew my mom and put my real signature on it) @EchoMerryFloof @redpaw_xmas @[litalou12|1655741275085151] @[blacky_paw|1648453683931431] @Christmas.Hail @[CrayonCat|1649019382639621] @Ginny_Chirstmas @[ZeaTheXenoWing|1660491816926691] @[Moonlit_Firefly|1594056531122061]


yay for Christmas I'm going to print this out in color (not this exact one because I also drew my mom and put my real signature on it) @EchoMerryFloof @redpaw_xmas @[litalou12|1655741275085151] @[blacky_paw|1648453683931431] @Christmas.Hail @[CrayonCat|1649019382639621] @Ginny_Chirstmas @[ZeaTheXenoWing|1660491816926691] @[Moonlit_Firefly|1594056531122061]

a Christmas gift for my mom! | ShadowMoss | Digital Drawing | PENUP