
Look who i am

Remixxx with @Artmania. I just found out that it isnt @Artmanias work, she stole it or whatever, i am really sad that i remixed a thiefs "art" but i also wont delete this because you should all read this message : Please dont trust this girl, look at her whole gallery, everything is FAKE. She doesnt want to say the truth, and all the other artists who wanted to REMIX IT, PLEASE DONT DO IT! DONT SUPPORT FAKE OR STOLEN ART! Thankyou very much ♡♡ Your Ashley


Remixxx with @Artmania. I just found out that it isnt @Artmanias work, she stole it or whatever, i am really sad that i remixed a thiefs "art" but i also wont delete this because you should all read this message : Please dont trust this girl, look at her whole gallery, everything is FAKE. She doesnt want to say the truth, and all the other artists who wanted to REMIX IT, PLEASE DONT DO IT! DONT SUPPORT FAKE OR STOLEN ART! Thankyou very much ♡♡ Your Ashley

Look who i am  | Ashley | Digital Drawing | PENUP