
Dreaming of Spring

Winter is always so dark here where I live. (And I'm not even near the Arctic Circle!) It leaves me longing for a quick return of spring to bring life back into the drab landscape. I seriously do not like all the browns and grays combined with all the cold and no grass. If I had my way, winter would be very colorful to make up for all the darkness and mud! Can you imagine pink snow! Or orange grass! Maybe the rain should be extra bright blue to counteract all the gray clouds!?


Winter is always so dark here where I live. (And I'm not even near the Arctic Circle!) It leaves me longing for a quick return of spring to bring life back into the drab landscape. I seriously do not like all the browns and grays combined with all the cold and no grass. If I had my way, winter would be very colorful to make up for all the darkness and mud! Can you imagine pink snow! Or orange grass! Maybe the rain should be extra bright blue to counteract all the gray clouds!?

Dreaming of Spring | AngrullaMF | Digital Drawing | PENUP