for some reason today this moring when i opened penup this appeared and the the little blue arrow is white instead of blue and when i get the notification it say no activatu and i cant see if someone tags me or som idk if anyone knows whats happing or how to fix it PLSSS PLSSSSSSSSS PLSSSSSSSSSSSS HELP ME OR TELL HOW TO FIX IT AHHHH ToT :,> @[PENUP|1377249056112471] i need help with this this need to be fixed bc im not the only one with these problems
for some reason today this moring when i opened penup this appeared and the the little blue arrow is white instead of blue and when i get the notification it say no activatu and i cant see if someone tags me or som idk if anyone knows whats happing or how to fix it PLSSS PLSSSSSSSSS PLSSSSSSSSSSSS HELP ME OR TELL HOW TO FIX IT AHHHH ToT :,> @[PENUP|1377249056112471] i need help with this this need to be fixed bc im not the only one with these problems