NOT EVERY LINK IS THE HERO OF TIME! TIME HAS A MIDPART! AND THE ONLY ONE WITH A FAIRY! GET IT RIGHT!! Avaline_0o0_ lerosa FriNightFunkin Emo.person1 SPREAD AWARENESS THIS A GORON-SIZED PROBLEM GUYS #internalscreaming #link #cmon #itsnothard #theheroofhyrule #zelda THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME
NOT EVERY LINK IS THE HERO OF TIME! TIME HAS A MIDPART! AND THE ONLY ONE WITH A FAIRY! GET IT RIGHT!! Avaline_0o0_ lerosa FriNightFunkin Emo.person1 SPREAD AWARENESS THIS A GORON-SIZED PROBLEM GUYS #internalscreaming #link #cmon #itsnothard #theheroofhyrule #zelda THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME