
Motorcycle Man

This is not an original idea. The character is not mine, but the drawing is. My co-worker saw this on a insurance commercial. He loves this commercial, I guess because he is a motorcycle rider himself. He said if he had a pic of that guy he would put it on his bike or helmet. I found the commercial and wanted to draw this for my friend who is out having knee surgery. #character #man #humor #motorcycle #motorcycleman


This is not an original idea. The character is not mine, but the drawing is. My co-worker saw this on a insurance commercial. He loves this commercial, I guess because he is a motorcycle rider himself. He said if he had a pic of that guy he would put it on his bike or helmet. I found the commercial and wanted to draw this for my friend who is out having knee surgery. #character #man #humor #motorcycle #motorcycleman

Motorcycle Man | Terry627 | Digital Drawing | PENUP