
기억의 방울 The Bubbles of Memories

This drawing contains my memories. Childhood memories, happy moments and sad times... Now that's all past. I just look at these.*^^* #challege #liquid #bubbles #memory #past #illust #drawing #yisky #챌린지 #액체 #방울 #기억 #과거 #일러스트 #드로잉


This drawing contains my memories. Childhood memories, happy moments and sad times... Now that's all past. I just look at these.*^^* #challege #liquid #bubbles #memory #past #illust #drawing #yisky #챌린지 #액체 #방울 #기억 #과거 #일러스트 #드로잉

기억의 방울 The Bubbles of Memories | yisky | Digital Drawing | PENUP