
I'm not an online Troll...but dont push me

I'm not calling for violence but piece this is the second time time tried to put up a piece for The Academy Award winning movie Training day I stepped away from penup for a couple days and every time I come back Its a bad episode of Real Housewives. We shouldn't have to leave get them "respectfully out of here this is Art and expression take this bitterness to Twitter. And I'll block my own mama dont test me.


I'm not calling for violence but piece this is the second time time tried to put up a piece for The Academy Award winning movie Training day I stepped away from penup for a couple days and every time I come back Its a bad episode of Real Housewives. We shouldn't have to leave get them "respectfully out of here this is Art and expression take this bitterness to Twitter. And I'll block my own mama dont test me.

I'm not an online Troll...but dont push me | Blackmonday | Digital Drawing | PENUP